Answers At Your Fingertips

Answers At Your Fingertips

One of the trickiest parts of managing large volumes of data is finding what you want, when you want it.


Various roles within your organization need to compile reports, export parts of your database, create visuals, and perform other tasks on a regular basis. Paper systems require you to sort through masses of pages in order to locate the information you need. If you search through unsecured databases, you risk changing or deleting data with the accidental press of the wrong key.

Any data management system requires regular maintenance to ensure that the data ends up where it’s supposed to be. However, after the data has been entered, finding, filtering, reporting, and using the data is a simple process. Using LabTracks, you can even store report types so that it’s easy to generate, modify, and print a recurring report by pressing a few buttons.


Just how powerful are the Filter and Report functions in LabTracks?


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